Tuna Peptides Industry Poised for Strong Growth Projected to Reach USD 1,555.6 million by 2034 | Future Market Insights Inc.
The USA, Japan, and China are the primary contributors to the growth of the global tuna peptides market, each displaying unique dynamics in demand and consumption. As consumers increasingly turn to marine-derived ingredients for their health, wellness, and cosmetic benefits, these countries are poised to lead the charge in shaping the market’s future trajectory.
/EIN News/ -- NEWARK, Del, Jan. 22, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global Tuna Peptides Industry generated sales of USD 973.4 million in 2024, marking a 4.8% year-on-year growth. The market is projected to reach USD 1,555.6 million by 2034, driven by increasing demand for bioactive compounds across various sectors. Over the past few years, the marine molecule market has grown steadily, fueled by the rising need for sustainable materials and ingredients in industries seeking eco-friendly and health-focused solutions.
The global market for tuna peptides is highly growing because of increasing demand for functional foods and health supplements along with advances in the aquaculture industry. Tuna peptides are bioactive proteins from tuna fish that are popular due to a wide range of health benefits associated with them, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties. As more consumers prioritize health and wellness, tuna peptides have gained popularity for their potential in supporting immune functions, improving skin health, and promoting cardiovascular well-being. This press release delves into the market's key drivers, applications, regional analysis, and recent trends, providing a comprehensive view of the market's current landscape and future prospects.
- The global tuna peptides market is expected to grow steadily in the coming years.
- Key drivers include increasing consumer health awareness, the growing popularity of marine-based protein sources, and advancements in food science and technology.
- Tuna peptides find widespread applications in functional foods, dietary supplements, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
- North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific are the leading regions contributing to the market’s growth.
Key Drivers and Applications:
The demand for tuna peptides is primarily driven by the growing awareness of the health benefits of marine-derived bioactive compounds. These peptides are rich in amino acids and have shown promise in improving cognitive function, skin elasticity, and muscle recovery. As consumers become more health-conscious, the popularity of tuna peptides as dietary supplements has surged. Tuna peptides are also gaining traction in functional foods like protein bars, energy drinks, and wellness beverages. Moreover, in the cosmetic industry, tuna peptides are being incorporated into anti-aging skincare products due to their ability to stimulate collagen production and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
The pharmaceutical sector is another key application area for tuna peptides, particularly in the development of novel treatments for chronic diseases such as arthritis and hypertension. The peptides are also being explored for their potential in wound healing, immune system enhancement, and stress reduction.
“According to market analysts, the tuna peptides market is set for rapid expansion due to ongoing research and development in the field of marine biotechnology. The increasing focus on sustainability and environmental impact is encouraging companies to explore alternative sources of bioactive compounds like tuna peptides, which are considered a sustainable alternative to land-based proteins. Additionally, the shift towards clean-label and natural ingredients in food products is expected to further boost the demand for tuna peptides. Companies that can innovate in peptide extraction technologies and offer high-quality, traceable products are likely to capture a significant share of the growing market," - says Nandini Roy Choudhury, Client Partner at Future Market Insights
Animal Nutrition Industry Analysis: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/industry-analysis/animal-nutrition
Regional Analysis:
The global Tuna Peptides market is witnessing varied growth across different regions, with the USA, Japan, and China emerging as key players in the market’s expansion. These countries are set to drive a significant portion of the market growth through 2034, each with its own unique consumption patterns and growth dynamics.
- North America (USA): The United States is poised for steady growth in the tuna peptides market, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.6% from 2024 to 2034. This growth is fueled by the increasing demand for health-conscious products, especially dietary supplements and functional foods. The U.S. market is heavily influenced by consumer awareness around health benefits, with growing popularity for marine-derived bioactive compounds like tuna peptides. Additionally, advancements in food technology and marine biotechnology contribute to the U.S.’s leadership in innovation and product development in this sector.
- Asia-Pacific (Japan and China): The Asia-Pacific region, particularly Japan and China, is expected to experience the highest growth in the tuna peptides market, with CAGRs of 4.3% and 5.1%, respectively, through 2034. Japan has long been a leader in the use of marine-based ingredients in both food and cosmetic industries. The rising health-consciousness among Japanese consumers and the growing demand for anti-aging and wellness products are key factors driving the market. In China, the expanding middle class and increasing interest in nutritional supplements and functional foods are fueling the market's growth. The country’s significant seafood consumption, combined with an appetite for sustainable, bioactive ingredients, positions China as a major growth market for tuna peptides.
- Europe: Europe’s market for tuna peptides is also growing, albeit at a slower pace compared to North America and Asia-Pacific. The region’s strong demand for natural and sustainable ingredients in the cosmetics and nutraceuticals sectors is supporting the market. Countries such as Germany, the UK, and France are leading this growth, driven by consumer trends towards clean-label products, health and wellness solutions, and eco-conscious sourcing. Europe is also home to some of the key research institutions advancing the extraction and application technologies for marine peptides.
- Rest of the World: Other regions, including Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa, show potential for market growth, driven by rising awareness of the benefits of marine peptides in functional foods and skincare. The market in these regions is expected to grow at a moderate pace as more consumers adopt health-focused lifestyles and seek sustainable alternatives to traditional ingredients.
Recent Trends:
- Sustainability Focus: There is a growing emphasis on sustainable sourcing of tuna peptides. Consumers are increasingly seeking brands that prioritize eco-friendly harvesting practices and contribute to ocean conservation.
- Innovation in Extraction Technologies: Companies are investing in more efficient and cost-effective extraction techniques to obtain high-quality tuna peptides. This includes enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, and membrane filtration.
Rising Popularity of Marine Proteins: As consumers shift toward more sustainable and healthy protein sources, marine-derived proteins, including tuna peptides, are gaining prominence as an alternative to animal-based proteins.
Access the Full Report Market Trends and Projections Now! https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/tuna-peptides-market
Competition Outlook
Different strategies are being used by peptide industry manufacturers in an effort to increase their market share. The general idea and application of novel and enhanced functions for the already-existing peptides is one such tactic.
For example, a multinational peptide company recently revealed a novel tuna-derived peptide with superior bioavailability and health benefits compared to other products in the industry. The company is in a better position to take a much bigger chunk of the growing consumer demand for this specialized peptide supplement because this product release was supported by extensive clinical studies demonstrating its efficacy. But in addition to launching new products, peptide manufacturers are also aiming to improve distribution and boost their products' brand recognition by
Leading Manufacturers
- Seagarden AS
- Copalis Sea Solutions
- Hofseth BioCare ASA
- Aker BioMarine Antarctic AS
- Biomega Group
- Sopropeche
- Symrise AG
- Lonza Group
- Glanbia Nutritionals
- Cargill, Incorporated
- Vital Proteins LLC
- Waitaki Biosciences
- Bolognani Srl
- Norvik Trawl AS
Market Segments:
By Type:
- Hydrolyzed Tuna Peptides: These peptides are broken down into smaller fragments to increase their bioavailability and absorption in the body. They are primarily used in dietary supplements and functional food products.
- Non-Hydrolyzed Tuna Peptides: These peptides maintain their larger molecular structure, offering benefits for long-term health and wellness. They are commonly used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
By Application:
- Dietary Supplements: Tuna peptides are increasingly used in dietary supplements aimed at enhancing physical performance, boosting immune health, and improving skin condition.
- Functional Foods: This segment includes protein-enriched snacks, energy drinks, and fortified beverages that contain tuna peptides to offer additional health benefits.
- Cosmetics & Personal Care: Tuna peptides are widely used in skincare products to reduce wrinkles, promote skin elasticity, and provide anti-aging benefits.
- Pharmaceuticals: Tuna peptides are being investigated for their therapeutic potential in managing chronic diseases, boosting cognitive function, and promoting overall health.
By End-User:
- Health-Conscious Consumers: Individuals looking to improve their overall well-being through dietary supplements, functional foods, and skincare products.
- Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts: Athletes and bodybuilders are one of the largest consumer segments, using tuna peptides for muscle recovery and improving physical performance.
- Cosmetic Consumers: People seeking anti-aging solutions and enhanced skin appearance also constitute a significant portion of the market.
Japanese Translation -
- 世界のマグロペプチド市場は今後数年間着実に成長すると予想されています。
- 主な推進要因としては、消費者の健康意識の高まり、海洋由来のタンパク質源の人気の高まり、食品科学技術の進歩などが挙げられます。
- マグロペプチドは、機能性食品、栄養補助食品、化粧品、医薬品など幅広い用途に使用されています。
- 北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋地域が市場の成長に貢献している主要地域です。
「市場アナリストによると、マグロペプチド市場は海洋バイオテクノロジーの分野で進行中の研究開発により、急速に拡大する見込みです。持続可能性と環境への影響への注目が高まるにつれて、企業は陸上タンパク質の持続可能な代替品と見なされているマグロペプチドなどの生物活性化合物の代替源を模索するようになっています。さらに、食品におけるクリーンラベルと天然成分への移行により、マグロペプチドの需要がさらに高まると予想されます。ペプチド抽出技術を革新し、高品質で追跡可能な製品を提供できる企業は、成長する市場で大きなシェアを獲得する可能性があります」と、Future Market Insightsのクライアントパートナーである Nandini Roy Choudhury氏は述べています
- 北米(米国):米国では、マグロペプチド市場が着実に成長し、2024年から2034年にかけて年平均成長率(CAGR)が3.6%と予測されています。この成長は、健康志向の製品、特に栄養補助食品や機能性食品の需要増加によって促進されています。米国市場は、マグロペプチドなどの海洋由来の生理活性化合物の人気が高まっており、健康上の利点に関する消費者の意識に大きく影響されています。さらに、食品技術と海洋バイオテクノロジーの進歩は、この分野における米国のイノベーションと製品開発のリーダーシップに貢献しています。
- アジア太平洋(日本と中国):アジア太平洋地域、特に日本と中国は、2034年までにそれぞれ4.3%と5.1%のCAGRでマグロペプチド市場で最も高い成長を遂げると予想されています。日本は長い間、食品業界と化粧品業界の両方で海洋由来の原料の使用をリードしてきました。日本の消費者の健康意識の高まりと、アンチエイジングおよびウェルネス製品の需要の増加は、市場を牽引する主な要因です。中国では、中流階級の拡大と栄養補助食品や機能性食品への関心の高まりが市場の成長を後押ししています。同国の魚介類の消費量が多く、持続可能な生物活性原料への欲求と相まって、中国はマグロペプチドの大きな成長市場となっています。
- ヨーロッパ:ヨーロッパのマグロペプチド市場も成長していますが、北米やアジア太平洋地域に比べると成長ペースは遅いです。この地域では、化粧品や栄養補助食品の分野で天然で持続可能な原料に対する強い需要があり、市場を支えています。ドイツ、英国、フランスなどの国が、クリーンラベル製品、健康およびウェルネスソリューション、環境に配慮した調達を求める消費者の傾向に後押しされ、この成長を牽引しています。ヨーロッパには、海洋ペプチドの抽出および応用技術を進歩させている主要な研究機関もいくつかあります。
- その他の地域:ラテンアメリカ、中東、アフリカなどのその他の地域では、機能性食品やスキンケアにおける海洋ペプチドの利点に対する認識の高まりにより、市場の成長が見込まれています。これらの地域の市場は、より多くの消費者が健康志向のライフスタイルを採用し、従来の原料に代わる持続可能な代替品を求めるようになるため、緩やかなペースで成長すると予想されます。
- 持続可能性への焦点:マグロペプチドの持続可能な調達がますます重視されています。消費者は、環境に優しい採取方法を優先し、海洋保全に貢献するブランドを求める傾向が高まっています。
- 抽出技術の革新:企業は、高品質のマグロペプチドを得るために、より効率的でコスト効率の高い抽出技術に投資しています。これには、酵素加水分解、発酵、膜ろ過が含まれます。
- 海洋タンパク質の人気の高まり:消費者がより持続可能で健康的なタンパク質源へと移行するにつれて、マグロペプチドなどの海洋由来のタンパク質が動物由来のタンパク質の代替品として注目を集めています。
ペプチド業界のメーカーは、市場シェアを拡大するためにさまざまな戦略を採用しています。既存のペプチドに新しい機能や強化された機能を追加するという一般的なアイデアと応用は、そのような戦術の 1 つです。
- シーガーデン AS
- コパリス シー ソリューションズ
- ホフセスバイオケアASA
- Aker BioMarine Antarctic AS
- バイオメガグループ
- ソプロペシュ
- シムライズAG
- ロンザグループ
- グランビアニュートリショナルズ
- カーギル株式会社
- バイタルプロテインズLLC
- ワイタキ バイオサイエンス
- ボロニャーニ Srl
- ノービック トロール AS
- 加水分解マグロペプチド:これらのペプチドは、体内での生物学的利用能と吸収性を高めるために、より小さな断片に分解されています。主に栄養補助食品や機能性食品に使用されます。
- 非加水分解マグロペプチド:これらのペプチドはより大きな分子構造を維持し、長期的な健康とウェルネスにメリットをもたらします。化粧品や医薬品によく使用されます。
- 栄養補助食品:マグロペプチドは、身体能力の向上、免疫力の向上、肌の状態の改善を目的とした栄養補助食品としてますます使用されています。
- 機能性食品:このセグメントには、タンパク質強化スナック、エナジードリンク、ツナペプチドを配合してさらなる健康効果をもたらす強化飲料が含まれます。
- 化粧品とパーソナルケア:マグロペプチドは、しわを減らし、肌の弾力性を高め、アンチエイジング効果をもたらすスキンケア製品に広く使用されています。
- 医薬品:マグロペプチドは、慢性疾患の管理、認知機能の向上、全体的な健康の促進における治療効果の可能性について研究されています。
- 健康志向の消費者:栄養補助食品、機能性食品、スキンケア製品を通じて全体的な健康状態を改善したいと考えている個人。
- アスリートとフィットネス愛好家:アスリートとボディビルダーは、筋肉の回復と身体能力の向上のためにマグロペプチドを使用する最大の消費者セグメントの 1 つです。
- 化粧品消費者:アンチエイジングソリューションや肌の美白を求める人々も、市場の大きな部分を占めています。
Authored by:
Nandini Roy Choudhury (Client Partner for Food & Beverages at Future Market Insights, Inc.) has 7+ years of management consulting experience. She advises industry leaders and explores off-the-eye opportunities and challenges. She puts processes and operating models in place to support their business objectives.
She has exceptional analytical skills and often brings thought leadership to the table.
Nandini has vast functional expertise in key niches, including but not limited to food ingredients, nutrition & health solutions, animal nutrition, and marine nutrients. She is also well-versed in the pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, retail, and chemical sectors, where she advises market participants to develop methodologies and strategies that deliver results.
Her core expertise lies in corporate growth strategy, sales and marketing effectiveness, acquisitions and post-merger integration and cost reduction. Nandini has an MBA in Finance from MIT School of Business. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Nagpur University, India.
Nandini has authored several publications, and quoted in journals including Beverage Industry, Bloomberg, and Wine Industry Advisor.
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