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The Investors’ Advocate recognized as Kirkus Review Top 2024 Indie Non-fiction Book

Kirkus reviews are a prestigious recognition of critiques by Journalists, Librarians and more

Advice comes in many forms, whether professionals or Do-It-Yourself (DYI). The Investors’ Advocate is to empower financial advice regardless, in 200 pages.

HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA, December 16, 2024 / -- Payson Hunter, author of The Investors’ Advocate and founder of is excited to receive the prestigious Kirkus Reviews Award as one of the 100 “Best Indie Books of 2024” from a universe over 3,000 independently self-published authors.

“To be recognized within a very capable and small group of 3% of authors from thousands of submissions is humbling. My intent is to provide the 90% of individuals who underperform markets (source: SPIVA) by 5.5% (source: Dalbar) with a unique contextual toolkit to build financial independence. The book’s insights were derived from a lifetime in finance and 25 years as a discretionary portfolio manager overseeing hundreds of million in assets for hundreds of households, without a single complaint or compliance issue.” Hunter, founder of iAdvocacy states.

The book includes resources and perspectives from many experts to aid individuals to think differently and build confidence, manage their emotions, and simplify their financial plans, such as:
• Bernard Baruch
• Benjamin Graham
• Warren Buffet
• Prem Watsa
• David Chilton
There is a better way to curate the evolving access to financial advice.

To quote Kirkus Reviews, The Investors’ Advocate serves “as a lean and immensely informative handbook for investing”. The book provides a framework for the reader to evaluate the quality of the investment advice they receive, regardless of the source.

The Investors’ Advocate book and the founder of
The Investors’ Advocate book was written and founded, so that readers, (especially the 65% without the benefit of a financial advisor (source:Hellosafe)), might achieve better investment outcomes and thereby empower them to realize financial independence. More successful outcomes, increases in the general level of abundance, more prosperous communities, and a kinder society at large. In short, fewer people living rough.

Kirkus Reviews
Since 1993, Kirkus Reviews are written by journalists, librarians, creative executives and more. Over 10,000 books are critically assessed to evaluate self published authors. With an audience of over 3.3 million page views of readers, book clubs and industry, the Kirkus Reviews are a respected resource for those who enjoy both fiction and non-fiction publications.


Payson Hunter
+1 902-402-8335
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